Friday, July 13, 2012

Visiting and Repairs...

I went to visit my sister to help her with canning the produce from her garden.  I also brought along her birthday present, a pressure canner from Mom and me.

I brought my sewing machine and she asked me to repair and/or alter several articles of clothing.  I repaired/hemmed 4 pairs of denims, fixed 7 shirts, and 1 skirt.  Two shirts had sleeves that needed to be shortened.  I saw a bracelet made from a cuff, online, and decided to make her granddaughter one.  I cut the fabric right at the seam line on the cuff.  The cuff has snaps on it, so I simply sewed the cuff to fit her wrist, then cut the excess off and turned it right side out. 
While she was playing with the sleeve scraps, she held up a portion and asked if I could make her a purse out of it.  So I did.  I simply turned the sleeve inside out, sewed the bottom closed, and put a denim hem scrap on it as a handle.  I put the handles on the sides of the sleeve, so she can open the snaps to make the purse wider, if she chooses. 

She loved it - a special purse made for her, with a cuff bracelet to match.   



10 pints of peaches
4 quarts of peach pie filling
9 quarts of beef soup
4 pints of pickles
6 quarts of blackberry pie filling
3 pints of blackberry jam
4 pints of blackberry jelly
6 pints of plum jelly
4 pints of sand plum jelly
2 pints of applesauce
1 quart of apple pie filling

In addition, my sister dehydrated and/or froze a bunch of squash, corn, bell peppers, jalapenos, celery, carrots, green beans, peas, and carrots for soups and stews. 


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